Student Application

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Child Application

Family Resource Agency of Tennessee serves children between the age range of birth to five years old in about 50 Head Start, Early Head Start, and Pre-K classrooms across Bradley County, McMinn County, Meigs County, and Polk County.

Head Start believes disadvantaged children and their families can be helped through participation in an early childhood program. Our mission is to empower children, parents, and staff to lead happier, healthier, more productive lives by realizing the full potential that lies within all persons.

This is accomplished by creating an atmosphere that encourages respect, responsiveness, and nurturing towards each other in a manner that unleashes and supports the inherent right to be a unique individual.

Please note that our classrooms are aligned with the school systems schedules; therefore, we follow the same holiday and school closings as the school systems.


Begin the Online

Application Process Today

If Our Online Application Form Does Not Work for You, Please Refer to Information Below.

Application Process


You will need the following:
